Nootropics: What are Nootropics and Cognitive Mind Enhancers?

Nootropics (pronunciation: /no?.?’tr?p?ks/ noh-?-TROP-iks)—also called smart drugs or cognitive enhancers—are drugs, supplements, or other substances that improve cognitive function, particularly executive functions, memory, creativity, or motivation, in healthy individuals.

Nootropics and cognitive mind enhancers are substances, supplements or drugs that are believed to improve cognitive function, including memory, creativity, motivation, and attention. They are sometimes referred to as “smart drugs” or “brain boosters.” The use of these substances is often referred to as “nootropic stacking,” which involves taking multiple substances to achieve a desired effect. However, the effectiveness of these substances is not well-established and more research is needed to understand their potential benefits and risks.

Dopamine Modulators

  • Methylphenidate
  • Mixed Amphetamine Salts
  • L-Deprenyl


  • Omega-3 (EPA & DHA)
  • Magnesium: an essential mineral involved in many biological functions including the normal modulation of NMDA receptors

Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors

  • Donepezil
  • Huperzine A
  • Peptides
  • Semax
  • Noopept


  • Ampalex
  • Tianeptine
  • NSI-189

Bottled Stacks

  • Alpha Brain
  • Ciltep
  • Cortex


Nootropic stacking is the practice of using multiple nootropics or cognitive enhancing supplements together in order to achieve a desired cognitive effect. This can involve taking different types of nootropics that target specific cognitive processes, such as memory or attention, or taking a combination of different nootropics that work through different mechanisms in the brain. Some people also use this practice to enhance the effects of a single nootropic. However, there is limited scientific research on the safety and efficacy of using multiple nootropics together, and more studies are needed to understand the potential risks and benefits of this practice.

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