Nootropic stacks are designed to give you an optimum cognitive enhancement to your brain!

Nootropic Stacks: A nootropic stack, simply put, is the combination of two or more supplements that have beneficial effects on memory, learning, focus, or motivation, in order to create a synergistic effect in the brain greater than any increase in cognition than the supplements you “stack” could create on their own.

Here at Mind Turing Nootropics we are all about the stacks! Nootropic stacks are designed to give you an optimum enhancement using a synergistic effect.

Our Nootropic Stacks

Mind Turning Nootropic Stack | Mind Turning Caffeine Stack

We have created two nootropic stacks for you. Our first stack is our Mind Turning Nootropic Stack. It is heavily inspired by the Mr. Happy Stack but with a lot more brain energy ingredients. This nootropic stack is meant to energize your brain to all new levels. We created this stack for those of us that need that much extra kick to get us started. If you have anxiety issues this is not the stack for you! Our second stack is our version of a caffeine stack that also highly motivates blood flow to your brain. Try the Mind Turning Caffeine Stack instead of your high sugar energy drink and I am sure we will have you hooked!


Stacks Our Friends Make

Not all stacks fit all biohackers. Since we cannot create a one size fits all we highly recommend that you do your research and find the best fitting nootropics to match your exact needs.

Currently our favorite bottled nootropic stacks are Ciltep and Cortex. Both these nootropic stacks do exactly what they are made to do.

Ciltep by Natural Stacks

Cortex by Cortex Labs


Dopamine Brain Food For Mental Drive by Natural Stacks

Smart Caffeine by Natural Stacks


Make Your Own Stack

Creating your own stack will allow you to customize exactly what ingredients match your bodies metabolism. The drawback it the upfront cost of all the ingredients and extra measuring and capsulation tools.


Mr. Happy Stack

Mr. Happy Stack is an inspiration for our Mind Turning Nootropic Stack. The Mr. Happy Stack covers most of the signalling ingredients we cover in our nootropic stack. You can create your own version of the Mr. Happy Stack from this list of nootropic ingredients.

Uridine, choline, omega’s, and B vitamins make core of the Mr. Happy Stack. Some have better experience when they wait two weeks before adding a choline source.



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